Bought by 59 people! HOT SELLER!
The manual ice snow cone maker is great for creating differet types of snow cone fun speacially in summers It is use for making snow cones, slushies, party drinks or any other beverage treat using crushed or chipped ice and try different and new recipies You can blow everyones mind away by making different ice snow recipies with this product. Its long handle design makes turning easier. Non-skid feet keep the unit in will enhance the beauty of your kitchen.It is the best product and it should be in your kitchen to make fun recepies with ice trying new flavours.It is portable and hand operated so you can use it anytime or anywhere It contain adjustable shaving blade.You can produce ice shavings just like you want them stakable modes Includes 3 Ice Molds with lids you can stack when freezing This is a versitile product that can work best with ice from included Molds but can also use regular ice will enjoy your summers with this amazing product speacially for kids you can make hygenic and fresh ice recipes such as our very famous gola gandda.